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Changing Habits for a Greener Community

We believe that education is a key component of positive environmental change. Often people simply don’t know the impact of their actions or are overwhelmed to the point of doing nothing. Waukesha County Green Team One Simple Act cards and Community Outreach Displays are designed to break down complex issues into understandable bites that are easy to enact.  


We encourage you to use these tools in your groups, organizations, workplace and congregation. When each person makes one simple change, the total impact can be great. Learn more below.

One Simple Act Cards

Take the Eco-Action Challenge

Every person has the power to minimize their individual environmental footprint by consuming less and making better choices. One Simple Act cards offer specific Eco-Actions we can all take as individuals to create sustainable environmental change.  Working together and inspiring others to also take the Eco-Action Challenge, we can make a huge collective impact.

One Simple Act Cards

Community Outreach Displays

Available to check-out for display at your business, organization, congregation or event.


The Waukesha County Green Team has a variety of educational displays on environmental sustainability topics. These displays are available for checkout on a first come, first served basis. Each display:

  • Covers a specific topic area of environmental sustainability

  • Invites viewers to learn through interactive engagement

  • Is designed to stand alone or can be set up with other displays

  • Has a take-away flyer with simple actions for making change.

  • Is designed to be indoors on a display table.


A Refundable Deposit is required for checking out displays.

Questions contact us at

Recycling display

The Environmental Problem with Bottled Water


So what’s the big deal with bottled water?

This display uses visuals, statistics and math to showcase the collective impact of our bottled water addiction. Requires an 8’ table or two 4’ tables.

Alternative Lawncare and the Impact of Our Addiction to Pesticides

Alternative Lawncare and the Impact of Our Addiction to Pesticides

What’s in YOUR water? Displays the relationship between chemical applications on our lawns and the impact on our drinking water and human health, especially neuro-toxicity to children. Provides UW-Extension handouts for Alternative and Organic lawn care. Requires a 4’-6’ table.

Conserving Energy and Money with Simple Bulb Replacement

Conserving Energy and Money with Simple Bulb Replacement

What kind of lightbulbs do you use? A fun, interactive display demonstrates, with a pull of a chain, the visual and monetary differences between incandescent, CFL and LED bulbs. An additional case for energy conservation is made by visually explaining the impact of our coal based energy source. Requires a 4’-6’ table and electrical outlet.

The Environmental and Economic Impacts of Buying Local Food

The Environmental and Economic Impacts of Buying Local Food

Why buy local? This display highlights the differences between local and imported food including the hidden cost of fossil fuel in transportation, quality, freshness, health and local economic impact. Did you know fresh, free range eggs have less cholesterol? Requires a 6’ table.

Recycling and Waste

Recycling and Waste

Do you know what to do with your waste?  Learn what can and cannot be recycled, how to dispose of hazardous waste, electronics, pharmaceuticals, CFLs and more. Can be tailored for your specific area in Waukesha County. Requires a 6’-8’ table.

Pesticides in Our Food: Making the Case for Buying Organic

Pesticides in Our Food: Making the Case for Buying Organic

Have you heard of the “Dirty Dozen”?  An interactive game reveals which produce we buy and consume typically contains the most pesticide and the least. Displays how pesticides are absorbed by plants, their impact on bees and the importance of pollinators in growing food.  Requires a 6’-8’ table.

Take the Water Footprint Challenge

Take the Water Footprint Challenge

Do you know how much water it takes to make a burger?   Take the water footprint challenge and discover interesting facts about our hidden water use. Knowledge = Informed Choice. Requires a 4’-6’ table.

Reducing Our Use of Plastic Bags

Reducing Our Use of Plastic Bags

Is Your Life Too Plastic? The Bag Man brings attention to our over use of plastic bags by demonstrating how many bags the average consumer uses in one year, the downside of plastic bags on our environment and the upside of bringing re-usable bags when shopping.

Changing Habits for a Greener Community in Waukesha County
A Facilitated Group Discussion using 

The Natural Step (TNS) Framework

Changing Habits Discussion Groups

Each discussion circle runs for 4 weeks. Participants discuss issues of sustainability that include the TNS framework, water, food, waste, transportation, land use, renewable energy and working with government to catalyze change.  Participants use a discussion guide with materials written by the Waukesha County Green Team focused on Waukesha County issues along with material from the book "The Natural Step for Communities".

Changing Habits for a Greener Community in Waukesha County

Discussion circles are initiated by community groups and can either be facilitated by a Waukesha County Green Team facilitator or by a member of your community group with assistance from the Waukesha County Green Team.


Contact us for more information, to sponsor a group discussion, or to find out about discussion circles that may be taking place in your area. 


Email contact is


Download the Waukesha County Green Team Sustainability Study Guide

The Natural Step Logo

About The Natural Step [TNS]

The Natural Step is a framework for sustainable practices used by countries, communities and businesses in developing policies and practices towards sustainability. The framework creates a unifying view of the activities necessary to achieve sustainability. It converts theory to practice using logical, practical criteria for consistent decision making. It helps organizations act strategically to achieve goals throughout the organization. 
Well over a dozen communities in Wisconsin have adopted The Natural Step as their model including the cities of Ashland, Bayfield, Madison, Manitowoc, Marshfield, Johnsons Creek, Neenah, and Washburn; as well as La Crosse and Douglas Counties.

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© Waukesha County Green Team. All rights reserved.

The Waukesha County Green Team is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to promote environmental sustainability in Waukesha County communities through education, communication, and local action. We are guided by The Natural Step Framework. We sponsor educational forums, networking events, and projects to conserve Waukesha County resources and to build a sustainable future – one community at a time.

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